As an engineer Ive always found there is dismal support for large complex drawing say the standard 36 by 24 inches page size on the iPad. Heck a large project might have 100+ sheets. Those are impossible to view before I found this product. Now they open in this product in a few seconds, paging is great, swipe and there is the next page. Talked to the support staff, great support they really care about eking the last dregs of performance out of my iPad. Also fed it a 927 page PDF I had on the principles of the mechanics of brittle fracture of materials, ya ya who else but an engineer needs something like that on his iPad, but would I rather carry the book around? I think not.
As a bonus I discovered they also make a Fax Reader, thats the only product Ive seen in the store that will let me read faxes and not be tied to some pricey web service that is selling fax pages at a buck a shot, dont need to send faxes, just need to see them. Silly that Mail wont show more than the first page and I have to buy another product to see page two.
After upgrading I found they didnt miss a beat, they tell me they moved stuff from their Map app into this app to improve overall performance and to ensure page to page movement was even faster.
BadAtDoubleMinus about The Fastest PDF Reader